Human factors in security control rooms and CCTV

Anthony MatsellControl rooms, Security

The human factor is often the last component of security to be considered, but it is likely to be the weakest link in any security system. Even in a world of increasingly sophisticated technology, human operators often have to make the final decisions and take appropriate action.

Ideally, human factors expertise should form part of the initial design and procurement of security solutions but, even if you have a legacy system it is never too late to think about how human performance in security can be enhanced.

User Perspective has an extensive track record in providing advice and guidance to government and private organisations in this area – from writing key guidance documents, designing training for security managers and gathering user requirements to conducting reviews of existing control rooms.

Our approach has helped our clients to identify potential human-related issues and prioritise changes and improvements in their control room and CCTV operations. We have produced guidance on this topic for the CPNI – take a look at our best-practice recommendations here.